Danny Shepherd
Danny ShepherdManager, Knowledge Programs Client and Community Engagement Rabobank

Natasha’s warmth, energy and passion for people cuts through to any audience – including the farmers on Rabobank’s Business Management Programs. Teaching farmers to speak with clarity and confidence is no easy feat, however Natasha’s enthusiasm and skill allows her to quickly connect with even the most taciturn participant. Our goal was to bring our farmers out of their comfort zone and to practice presentation skills in a safe non-judgemental space. She accomplished this – and much more – with individuals feeling supported and encouraged to push past their nerves and to speak with confidence. I’m delighted to give Natasha my highest recommendation, and I would encourage others to work with her to give themselves the best chance of achieving their personal and professional presentation goals

Mark Stephens
Mark StephensAuthor and hypnotherapist

As a professional speaker and regular guest expert on television, radio and podcasts it is important that my voice is always at its best. I have now completed several rounds of voice coaching sessions with Natasha. Each session took my voice to another level. Her drills and techniques make transforming your voice easy. While the sessions are sometimes fun Natasha is always focussed on ensuring your voice improves. She hears things you don’t and knows exactly how to bring out your best voice. I listen back to many of my 400 audio recordings, prior to my work with Natasha, and wish I had met her sooner.

Tanya Buchanan
Tanya BuchananEditor in Chief, ARE Media

Interior designer Greg Natale and I decided to do a weekend presenting workshop as we do a lot of public speaking. We were delighted with Natasha as our coach for the weekend.
Her warmth and enthusiasm remove any fear of revealing possible stage fright insecurity. We learnt valuable skills that we have loaded into our tool kits for all future presentations, masterclasses and video work.
I have since encouraged my team members to train with Natasha; they have all come away with invaluable skills for public speaking and everyday life.

Dr Annalisa Contos
Dr Annalisa ContosPrincipal, Atom Consulting

Speaking is such a fundamental part of business it’s easy to take it for granted. When I heard myself filling my sentences with “umms” in a board room I realized I needed coaching.

I have worked with Natasha over the past three years, improving both my voice and presence. The change I experience through her coaching was amazing. She has been fantastic - an encouraging and positive coach.

Over the past three years not only have I worked with her to improve my voice and presence but my staff have also trained with her. From the basics of voice through to accents and online meetings she has helped our team us make the best of this hidden business tool.

Do You Want to Improve Your Speaker Coaching?

Close the gap between where you are today – and where you want to be. My way of coaching is to empower you in becoming the Leader.